Operation Help for our side
This website offers a clear, simple and concise usage concept, with the use of continued elements (buttons, menus and symbols) thus simplifiying the site usage and, simultaneously, provides a secure feeling whilst using this page. The usage elements are so designed that they will always be shown in their respective places at all times. The following sections describe some of the important elements that make up this site.
Please remember that some, if not all of the features of this site may or may not be available to you depending on site registration and on the restrictions that have been imposed by the site administrator.
Please remember that some, if not all of the features of this site may or may not be available to you depending on site registration and on the restrictions that have been imposed by the site administrator.
The Header area for every page of this site, where usually a logo and/or the title is displayed, is used as a clickable reference link to the start page. Further along the page header is the interactive search facility. By clicking inside the search field, an extra menu will appear for "Extended Search Options" to provide a more practical search function and thus providing users with a more adaptable search facility.
In the header area of the page are two menu sections. The first menu section is located at the very top of the header called the "User Menu" which refers to the "Personal Area". The second menu section is located directly under the header logo called the "Main Menu" which refers to the "General Area". Wherever the user may be within the page, both menus will always be shown in their respective places.
The User Menu: In the Personal Area, you will find the options to login and logout of the site, and links to several pages to configure your "Personal Profile". In this section, you have the possibility to enter information about yourself and to customise the look of the page to your personal wishes. Additionally, when clicking on a user's name, a "Public Profile"will be displayed showing the relevant information of the selected user. Also included in the Personal Area is the option to send "Private Messages"to other members, or the option to choose a different style (If more styles are available). These are but a few of the possible options available.
The Main Menu: The buttons of the General Area can lead to the home page, to the members list and of course to this help area. Please remember that a variation of buttons could be shown which do not comply with this help section.
The User Menu: In the Personal Area, you will find the options to login and logout of the site, and links to several pages to configure your "Personal Profile". In this section, you have the possibility to enter information about yourself and to customise the look of the page to your personal wishes. Additionally, when clicking on a user's name, a "Public Profile"will be displayed showing the relevant information of the selected user. Also included in the Personal Area is the option to send "Private Messages"to other members, or the option to choose a different style (If more styles are available). These are but a few of the possible options available.
The Main Menu: The buttons of the General Area can lead to the home page, to the members list and of course to this help area. Please remember that a variation of buttons could be shown which do not comply with this help section.
Display Elements
In many places of you can read information with the help of the text styles. For example, new threads and posts, or new private messages will be subsequently marked in bold to clearly indicate unread material. When you have read the new postings, the bold text will revert to its original style. In addition to this, some sections will display a quantity to indicate the number of elements that have not been viewed.
Sortable Tabbed Columns
With tabular listings, for example, the thread lists or the members, you can comfortably sort the desired information you want to see via the adjacent column headers for each tab.
Graphical Symbols
Many graphic symbols are employed to create a dynamic, intuitive GUI. Depending on the parameters set by the forum administrator, certain symbols are marked with a small black triangle pointing downwards. If you click on such a symbol, a context menu will appear showing further options that are available to you. If you do not see any of the mentioned symbols, then it may be the case that the option rights are not assigned to you.
To help guide you through the pages, what is known as "Breadcrumbs-Navigation" is employed. Situated just below the header area of each page, you are shown a type of path which begins at the main page and lists the categories and sub categories, and ends at the current page you are viewing. Each element that is shown within the navigation is separated by arrows and, with each element having its appropriate link, you will always find you way home.
Does a section of your site spread over more than one page? - For instance the thread listings, or the members list? - With this in mind, a simple and convenient page navigation is available for multiple pages and will dynamically alter according to the amount of pages being displayed. This navigation will be shown on both the top and lower sections of the page to provide additional assistance with page navigation.
To use all features you need to register your own user account on this page.
If you want to create your own account on this page, follow the Register link in the menu. After accepting the terms and conditions, you will need to enter some personal information:
It is possible that other fields need to be filled out as well. The captcha image protects the page against spam robots. You have to write the letters you can see on the image into the related text field. You can recreate and enlarge the image if you have difficulties reading it. If you do not manage to complete that step you can contact an administrator.
- Username - This is the name you will use to login. Usernames are unique, if your username is already taken, you will have to choose a different one.
- Password - Please select a secure password, and try to change it as often as possible.
- E-mail address - Your e-mail address must be unique as well.
It is possible that other fields need to be filled out as well. The captcha image protects the page against spam robots. You have to write the letters you can see on the image into the related text field. You can recreate and enlarge the image if you have difficulties reading it. If you do not manage to complete that step you can contact an administrator.
With an existing user account you can login to the page. Click on the menu item Login and enter your username and password. If you have forgotten your password you can use the Forgot password function. You will have to enter either your e-mail or your username. If your account has not been activated yet you will have to go to the login page.
Personal data
You can enter personal information, that can be seen by other members, under Edit profile. This information is usually optional e.g. contact data.
Under Edit account you can change the access data for this user account:
Furthermore you can delete the user account with all personal data. Created content though cannot be deleted.
Under Edit account you can change the access data for this user account:
- The username you need to login to this page.
- The password you also need to login.
- The e-mail address thats connected to this user account.
Furthermore you can delete the user account with all personal data. Created content though cannot be deleted.
Under Edit Profile » Settings you can choose from several options to make the use of this page comfortable for you.
Next to general settings - e.g. your timezone - you will find options for privacy, communication and display. Please note that these settings just apply to your account.
Next to general settings - e.g. your timezone - you will find options for privacy, communication and display. Please note that these settings just apply to your account.
The avatar is the image of a user. It can be a photo as well as an abstract icon. Other users will recognize you fast if you have an own avatar. Under Edit profile » Avatar you can choose your own personal image.
Here you can select an avatar from the list, if it was set by the administrator. The other possibility is that you upload your own avatar. Please note to check the size and file size of the avatar. There are normally limits set. Your avatar will be displayed in your profile, next to messages and other places on that page.
Here you can select an avatar from the list, if it was set by the administrator. The other possibility is that you upload your own avatar. Please note to check the size and file size of the avatar. There are normally limits set. Your avatar will be displayed in your profile, next to messages and other places on that page.
User ranks
Users are labeled by so called "user ranks". Apart from a rank name, users are marked with a rank image. There are fixed defined ranks, they will be assigned optionally for a certain performance (e.g. after 900 points), for certain groups (e.g. member of the team), of for the gender.
Under Edit profile you can select your user rank. Additionally, users may have an individual title.
Users get points for their activity. You get points if you create content that is visible for other users. You will get 10 points for a new thread and 5 points for a new post for example.
Under Edit profile you can select your user rank. Additionally, users may have an individual title.
Users get points for their activity. You get points if you create content that is visible for other users. You will get 10 points for a new thread and 5 points for a new post for example.
Follow and block user
You can follow other users of this site. So you can for example, be better to get in touch with them. There is the following option:
Simply visit the public profile of another user and will find the opportunity to follow this user. In addition to the user name you will find a bar with different interaction possibilities.
By clicking on the +.
Block user
If you want to block other users of this page, you can do so also in the aforementioned bar.
In this case, just click on Ø.
You can follow other users of this site. So you can for example, be better to get in touch with them. There is the following option:
Simply visit the public profile of another user and will find the opportunity to follow this user. In addition to the user name you will find a bar with different interaction possibilities.
By clicking on the +.
Block user
If you want to block other users of this page, you can do so also in the aforementioned bar.
In this case, just click on Ø.
The gallery offers you an easy way to show pictures other users of this page.
Under Add images you can quickly upload one or more photos from your computer. You can assign additional information such as title and description. From the summary page that displays all images that come to details, each representing an image. You will find additional information about the image and the ability to write additional comments about the image.
If you want to delete or edit your own photos, just go to the detail page of an image or go to the overview page showing all images, with the mouse over the desired image. A small bar with the desired buttons appear.
Use albums to organize your pictures. When you upload photos, for example, your last vacation, it makes sense to manage them in a separate album. Note that images can only be assigned to an album.
Under Add images you can quickly upload one or more photos from your computer. You can assign additional information such as title and description. From the summary page that displays all images that come to details, each representing an image. You will find additional information about the image and the ability to write additional comments about the image.
If you want to delete or edit your own photos, just go to the detail page of an image or go to the overview page showing all images, with the mouse over the desired image. A small bar with the desired buttons appear.
Use albums to organize your pictures. When you upload photos, for example, your last vacation, it makes sense to manage them in a separate album. Note that images can only be assigned to an album.
Comment Wall
The Comment Wall, which can be found in each user's profile, provides an easy way to other users to leave a public message. The entries are visible to any visitor. In your own book, you can delete or comment on entries. If you want to use a book, you can change this in the settings.
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